It's quite funny that the last post I made was able the kick off of the last campaign I ran. In summary, it went well! We loved Swords and Wizardry and the adventures we went on were great fun. However, life got busy so it had to end.
Good news! I started up a hybrid in person/online game with 2024 5e! I chose to play the new edition over an OSR game because life is pretty stressful at the moment, and I could really use some beer and pretzels, fight some monsters, relax and have fun kind of gaming. I have 5 players around the table and one phoning in via discord. I actually had multiple people turn on the discord view at the table because they liked the perspective.
We used one central mic with one loud speaker that only has his voice output (no background music for the game). Session 0 went great. They rolled up the following characters:
- Zerakos Pic'alok, an Abyssal Tiefling Rogue
- Boreas Ojukin, a White Dragonborn Monk
- Krell Gartakson, a Hill Goliath Barbarian
- Alric Alricson, a Forest Gnome Ranger
- Bantop Fillymort, a Forest Gnome Druid
- Bartok Fillymort, a Forest Gnome Bard
I am using the Known Lands setting from the back of the new edition of Labyrinth Lord. It is still in development so I am using the free updated rules version.
I used the Shadowdark tables to flesh out the starting town of Larm. They started on a quest to investigate some zombies and skeletons coming out of a crypt just outside of town. Very simple, very fun.
The group decided on an Ancient Dragon group patron from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, so I look forward to weaving that into the story. All of the party's starter adventuring gear was bankrolled by an NPC who serves this Ancient Dragon (I think it is going to be Dragonlord Atarka from Magic the Gathering), and after paying for their gear told them all to meet in Larm, and he will meet them there in one month's time. This will give the party some time to adventure and level up, and give me some time to put together a quest worthy of a Dragonlord!
The only real villain I have planned so far is the Troll King, a level 1-4 villain I've had in the back of my mind for years, who is operating out of an old for at the base of the mountains to the North of Larm. I've got a handful of maps from Dyson Logos and have an idea (and a zoomed in hexmap of the region) of where everything is. I am largely just going to let them explore, gather rumors and pursue the problems in the region as they want. Very excited to see where things go.
The plan is to get into the rhythm of writing up session logs after every session. Come back every week to follow along!
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