Thursday, February 27, 2025

Session 4 Recap

 As the session begins, the technomancer Lagren Tung and the party devise a plan to save his friend who had been captured by the Ironjaw raiders. They wait until nightfall and notice that the raiders aren't really on high alert. While waiting, the party hears gusts of wind but doesn't feel anything, spooky. Eventually they deduce that there are a group of elementals playing pranks on them. The elementals are harmless and attempt to communicate that they are bound here and need help. The party tells them they will help, or at least mimes it. 

They sneak up to the camp, lure one of them out with a minor illusion and knock him out in one fell swoop. When they sneak into the camp they see their dwarven friend Tolbrek was actually Stone Shaped to a rock instead of chained with cuffs. Big uh oh. The guards become alert and a fight breaks out! Mid fight, the druid raider realizes what the party is after and seeing that his friends are on their last leg, he goes over to the prisoner and stone shapes again, completely encasing him in stone. Even bigger uh oh. 

The raiders were taken care of and with a crowbar, a natural 20 and a dream the paladin breaks the prison's head free of stone, no longer in danger of suffocation. Upon further investigation it seems that the raiders were filtering the toxic sludge and getting a refined magical essence that can be used to power magic items (oh yeah the paladin picked up a magic cannon).

Throughout the night the party continued to investigate the area and found a tunnel that brought them underground and ended up at a shrine deep under the wreckage. Lagren recognized this shrine as a shrine to Barbarsus, his ancestor and member of the MAN, and also founder of the Arcanotech Cabal. After some rummaging around the party stirred the guardian of this shrine, and Iron Golem! Even bigger uh oh. After a few rounds of futile combat the party uses their heads and has Lagren call out to the Iron Golem "By the power of my bloodline, halt!" and to the surprise of everyone, it does so! They even get the Iron Golem to release it's core, freeing the air elementals that were bound to the ship. They learned that the ship actually enslaved elementals and used them as a source of power. They also learned that the Arcanotech Cabal still does this, but they use Demons instead. 

They got what they came for, but they still wanted to take down that Magicore. They set a trap by piling up the Ironjaw raider's bodies as a feast when the Magicore comes out for its next sacrifice. They got the jump on it and after a tense battle (only tense because we forgot about Relentless Endurance for our Orc), they took down the Magicore, got some cool magic items and head back to town with all this new information.

Next they plan on gathering allies and taking the fight to Rolnar Ironjaw himself. 

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Session 4 Recap

 As the session begins, the technomancer Lagren Tung and the party devise a plan to save his friend who had been captured by the Ironjaw rai...