"They came from beneath the deepest mountains, arisen from the dark depths of the underworld. A people seeking salvation and freedom from the umbral chains on their dark hearts. Three peoples; orc, dwarven and elven, united against the dark lords from below. This will undoubtedly cause the coming of a new age., and the people of this world will set the tone" - From the Letters of Val'antheius of the First Circle, written to Eleronadel, the High Listener.
The following is a synopsis of the knowledge collected within the Library of Listeners.
The Dark Elves, or Drow, are a group of Elven folk who at one point in the far past descended into the Underworld to establish their home. They lived here for many millennia until they became aware of the strings that were slowly being put upon them by the Dark Lords of the Underworld. They had become puppets to the schemes of the Dark Forces and sought to break free of their bondage. Legend tells of a warrior named Nax'tharus who led his people out and onto the surface where they faced the blinding light of the sun for the first time. They struggled to find their place in the world and still do.
The emergence of the subterranean races was mostly in the last 50 years, to an elf this is but a fraction of their life, to a human, over half. We are not even one generation into the repercussions of three new peoples arriving in this world. The geopolitical forces at play are still on edge. These people were entirely alien but 50 or so years ago. They have mostly found their homes in the shaded grottos and forests left unclaimed or enough out of the way to not be worth disputing. Xenophobia is abundant, sadly. Many people don't care for outsiders as it is, let alone outsiders of this world as they know it. However the Drow have not given up hope and most seek to truly find their place in the world here, while few sects seek retaliation and violence against those who would condemn them.
During their exodus, Nax'tharus fought opposition within his own people, namely Tal'deloron, a Drow mage who saw the Dark Lords as sources of power that should be utilized. This caused a splinter in the Drow people and that group of Drow rebels calls themselves the Sidaru, or Servents of the Spider in the common tongue. They wish to see those who stand against them and wish to keep them on the outskirts stricken down and conquered. They are very militant and widespread. Their influence grows, and the fear of the Drow kind, in general, does so as well. The Drow have a tough job making a good name for themselves, and the Sidaru are making it no easier. Many Drow have loosely united under their warrior leader, Nax'tharus, who seeks peaceful assimilation, a kingdom of his own, and a seat next to the surface kings. Only time will tell the fate of these people.
- From letters and stories within the Library of Listeners.
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