Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Lore Dump #2 - Giants

Long before the small and mortal folk fought during the First War some thousand years ago and drove the giant's back over the Great Wall to the East, they ruled the lands between the Great Wall and the Great Sea, the lands that the adventurers now call home. This legend is widely known and accepted to be true. The remnants of their civilization litter the countryside and the party even recently explored one (Skekenhall)!

The Giants had a chosen, mixed humanoid and giant-kin race, the Goliaths, who served and worshiped them. Many of the human-sized ruins, like the dungeon beneath Skekenhall, were actually the living quarters of the Goliaths that served their Giant overlords. Much of the Runic language that drives the Northern understanding of Magic was transcribed by the Goliaths from the knowledge gifted upon them by the Giants. However, the Goliaths were on the wrong side of the war against the Giants and have been driven into hiding in small tribal pockets all across the North and the West.

As things stand now, the Giants typically tend to themselves, often isolated in small groups. The only remaining large tribe actually worked through a treaty with the mortals who would eventually become Uthgard. There are the Uthgard Frost Giants and humanoids who live in "harmony", they tolerate each other.

All of the types of giants are present in the Realms; frost, fire, storm, cloud, stone, hill, troll, ogre, and cyclops. Frost giants ruled most of the northern territory, fire giants who ruled under the mountains, storm giants who ruled the sea, stone giants who ruled the mountain surfaces, cloud giants who ruled the skies, hill giants who ruled the rolling hills, trolls who ruled under the hills, and finally ogres who are the half-goblin and cyclopes the one-eyed cursed giant-kin. As of today, they can be found in their native regions but in much less number.

- Notes from the Library of the Listeners,

Documented by Val'antheius of the First Circle.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Monday, September 20, 2021

DM Deep Dive #2 - Dungeon-a-day

I got a cat-themed daily calendar last Christmas that I use at work. A few weeks ago I was peeling off the page to show the next day's date and cat fact when I realized the back of the sheets were gridded. I then had an idea to challenge myself creatively, create a small dungeon or few rooms of a larger dungeon every single day. Later, I can use these as plug-and-play in a big complex by connecting them or just single-page dungeons. I don't stock them, I don't make hooks, I don't do anything other than draw a map. The actual use of them or what is in them will come later when I need to use them. My prep approach for this game is focusing on creating tools to run a smooth and reactive game at the table. If my players go left when the hook is right, or decide they want to go explore just because they want to, I want to have the tools ready to run that. This includes lots of random tables, one-page dungeons, single sentence hooks, easy plug-and-play things that I can use on the fly. This also lets me get my creative thoughts flowing every day and be productive for my game while only taking 5-10 minutes of my day.

So the tip for the week is always to think about your game, set aside routine time to prep every day but keep it simple. Look around at everyday things in your life that you can turn into your prep (like my daily calendar). You might write down a hook every day based on the episode for TV you watched the night before or an NPC based off of a co-worker. 

Hope this helps knock down the intimidation wall that is DMing for those new DMs and helps show a new perspective for the old ones!

- C&D Daniel

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Saturday Teaser #1

Our session tomorrow begins as the party rallies from the ashes of the raid. With two party members down we introduce their replacements, a Drow Druid and a Human Rogue. While the party is now lacking a tank, they picked up a lot of utility and damage. 

Now from here, I have no idea where things will go. They might travel to the Baron to tell him of the raiders and ask for assistance. They might take things into their own hands for revenge. But either way, the raider's leader Cyanwrath is dead, and without a leader, who knows what the bandits will do.

The question still begs, where did they come from? What were they after?

Tune in to Episodes 3 and 4 to find out!

- C&D Daniel

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Player Post #1

Hey everyone! Today is the first player post, written by me, Cody. I play Illaru the Ranger, aka the king of nat 1s for those of you that listened to the first two episodes. I figured I would just post whatever nerdy thing is on my mind, and I really want to talk about the PlayStation showcase that was released recently. Specifically, the God of War: Ragnarok trailer. As a disclaimer, there will be spoilers for God of War (2018), so if you haven’t played it yet, what are you waiting for?! Seriously. Go play it. Now that that’s out of the way, how awesome does God of War: Ragnarok look?! God of War (2018) was a near perfect game, and I cannot wait to dive deeper into the game’s mythology, especially with Atreus’ big reveal at the end of GoW (2018) that he was named Loki, and his mother was a giant. In any other context I suppose that would be an insult, but in this game it hyped me up to see what shenanigans the father/son duo can get into exploring Atreus’s maternal heritage. 

The trailer teased that we will fight Thor, Freya, and Odin, but I wonder what will become of the meeting with Tyr, the Norse God of War. Will Kratos and Atreus recruit him to help defend from the relentless Asgardian pursuit following the death of Baldr? Or will the two Gods go toe-to-toe in an epic battle of the ages? I can’t say for sure, but I have a feeling Tyr will become an ally. We were also introduced to some new characters that made me even more excited to see how the story unfolds. Angrboda, the companion to Loki, was shown at the very end. In the mythology, Loki and Angrboda give spawn to the wolf Fenrir, who plays a central part in Ragnarok by killing Odin and swallowing the sun. Will that actually happen in GoW Ragnarok? I doubt it considering that Kratos is the wild card here, a god from another time that fell the Greek pantheon. Ragnarok is confirmed to be the end of the Norse saga, just how it happens is unknown, but it certainly will be epic.

There are many directions this game can go and I cannot wait to play it and find out. There is speculation that this the last GoW game and the end of Kratos, but I doubt they would stop making GoW games at its peak. As far Kratos’ fate goes, who knows? Atreus could take over the series as the protagonist. As a life long GoW fan, I would be devastated to see Kratos go, but everything must come to an end. I just hope we get at least one more installment featuring Kratos after Ragnarok. 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you are now thoroughly hyped for God of War: Ragnarok! 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Lore Dump #1 - Broad View of the 3 Realms

The 3 Realms is what I am calling the homebrew world we are playing currently in the podcast. It is heavily inspired by the Witcher's universe. I am writing everything for the world through an in-setting point of view as if the historians of the world were writing what I am writing. This is a new approach and I like it because it limits the amount of translating that I have to do between my absolute truths of the setting and the information that an NPC or a PC might know. 

Here are the broad strokes that paint the world;

  • They call the world, the world or Earth. There is not a fantasy-fied name.
  • It is called the 3 Realms because to the denizens the universe is split into the Heavens, the Mortal Realm, and the Underworld.
  • The world is split into realms due to the geography of the two continents and we are playing in a region that is largely reflective of "fantasy" Europe. You will hear us reference areas that are basically England or Scotland, etc. This is to give an easy reference and keep it relatable.
  • There are 5 main races with subraces that reflect where they have adapted based on their environment. Some of these are homebrew subraces because 5e didn't have any. They are
    • Humans
    • Elves - Wood, Dark, Pale
    • Dwarves - Mountain, Hill, Deep
    • Orcs - Snow, Valley, Deep
    • Halflings - Stout, Lightfoot, Lotusden
  • All magic is arcane, there is no divine magic. Clerics are mages just as wizards are witches. The titles are interchangeable. The only difference is mechanical (class abilities, spell lists, etc.). Magic is magic.
  • There are many gods, mostly embodying a very specific ideal and they each have many different names. They do not have a physical presence in the world. This is inspired by the Shattered Sea trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. An example would be "She-Who-Weaves" or "Lady Destiny" for a god of destiny and fate.
  • Giants ruled the world before the "little ones". The ruins of the past civilizations that are being explored are largely either from Goliaths or Giants of the past.
  • We are playing in the Western Lands of the North, which is the northern of the two continents and is split into many small regions ruled by a variety of governments. The countries are as follows;
    • Uthgard - Northern, snow orcs and giants, along the Uthgard Penninsula
    • Hiemsgard - Northern, Viking, east of Uthgard
    • Helevorn - northwest, scot, along the coast south of Hiemsgard
    • Lythia - midwest, Small Russian duchy, southeast of Helevorn and East of Talafar.
    • Talafar - midwest, Noble kingdom, along the coast south of Helevorn
    • Beverast - central, English barony, along the Great Wall - STARTING HERE
    • Confederacy of the White Sea, Mediterranean. South of Beverast along the Great Wall.
    • Adestria - Southwestern, French, along the coast south of Talafar.
    • Wendover - mid-south, small English kingdom. South of Adestria.
    • Black Empire - Southwestern, Nilfgaard south of both the Confederacy and Wendover.
    • Broken Isles - Pirates in the Great Sea.
Hopefully, this gives you a better idea of the setting as you follow along on our journeys. If you still have any questions, feel free to comment and I will answer!

- C&D Daniel

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

DM Deep Dive #1 - 5e and Old-School Play

Old-School feel, modernized rules.

At the beginning of Episode 1, I mentioned that I am taking ideas for Original D&D. I wanted to clarify what I meant. I started DMing in 2015 and the group began with playing the shiny new 5th Edition. We probably got a quarter of the rules right, half of the time. I learned through experience and watching many of the channels that inspired this one here. But it has taken me many years to figure out how I like to play the game. 5th Edition's rules set up a lot of expectations from the game without it being explicitly stated such as; players are rarely in any real danger, every creature is hostile, every fight is to the death, you get XP from killing everything or you level when the DM says so, the world is tailored to the player's power level, and the DM services the character's "story". These are the common assumptions I've seen many players come to the table with and generally have in online discourse. When I say I am taking notes from old-school play, I mean that I am completely throwing these out. 

I am making a big point with this game to reset the players as well as my own assumptions about how the game works to get a different experience out of a familiar system. From what I have read from OSR rulebooks (Swords and Wizardry, Old School Essentials) and old editions of D&D (B/X and Original) as well as seen/heard from discussions online it seems that the old-school experience was intended to follow a few key assumptions; adventuring is dangerous, player skill is more important than character abilities, the DM doesn't award XP you earn it, and the core mode of play is dungeon crawling where you pick your level of difficulty based on how deep into the dungeon you go. I wanted to bring these ideas to life in 5e. I am doing this with a few core changes to the aforementioned assumptions of 5e, so let's break those down.

The players are rarely in danger - As you can tell from Episodes 1 and 2, the players are always in danger of dying if they roll initiative. 1st level 5e is particularly deadly compared to higher levels, but this trend will continue. The world will not be "scaled" to them, there are no leveling zones like in a video game. The players will have to use their heads to decide if they can pick a fight or not. This also breaks the assumption that the world is tailored to their power level - it isnt. We aren't only dungeon crawling so they will have to use their setting knowledge and experience to know if a conflict is over their heads or best solved through other means. But they will be choosing their own difficulty as they go with what they get into and how they approach everything.

Every fight is to the death, we only get max XP from killing everything - During the first two episodes, I rolled a lot of Morale Checks (p. 273 DMG). This is an optional rule in the DMG which basically says that a creature might flee when it's surprised, at half HP, or have no way to harm its enemies on its turn. A group of creatures might flee when they all are surprised, their leader is knocked to 0 HP, or the group loses half their forces. The check is a DC 10 Wisdom save. This is pretty easy to do as a DM and doesn't take a lot of extra work in order to implement. It is sad it is an optional rule because I really like the change it had to combat once I started using it. The old-school way of doing it was to roll 2d6 and compare it to the creature's morale score. This method has slightly different statistics and isn't as swingy but 5e's monsters don't have morale scores so that would be too much work on the DM's side. Using the core mechanic of ability saves is perfectly fine. I also give full XP for any monsters that flee because they eliminated the threat one way or another.

Every creature is hostile - To combat this I am using an old-school mechanic known as the Reaction Roll. I rolled for this once for the tied-up kobold to see his demeanor. Any enemy you come across that doesn't have a predisposed demeanor (the raiders in the opening adventure were obviously hostile) rolls on this table.

This is the table that I made and is a simplified and modified version of this one that I found from an older edition.

Personally, I just found that to be too much rolling and there are many versions of this that can be found online, I prefer a simple bell curve that I would give a +/-1 or 2 to depending on the player's actions and approach to the creature.

We are playing through the DM's Story - This is the last assumption that I was upfront about with the players during session 0. A story is a retelling of events that have already happened. Events have to happen in order to have a story to tell. I will set up conflicts and events for the players to get involved in, shenanigans will happen, and after the fact when we are talking about this campaign post-mortem we will then tell the story of the heroes and their journey. I am taking the role as a DM not as a scriptwriter but as a neutral arbiter of the rules and the actor of the world's reaction to the player's actions.

The goal of implementing these slight rules and attitude changes is to create a fresh experience for my players and me as well as get a more rewarding, player-focused game that feels like we truly are exploring and inhabiting a living breathing world.

- C&D Daniel

Monday, September 13, 2021

Posting Schedule

Hello everyone, we want to have a regular schedule for our posts so you can know what to expect every day and follow along! For the time being, this will be the schedule...

Sunday - 1st weekly episode.

Monday - DM Deep Dive (DM tips, tricks, and concept analysis).

Tuesday - 2nd weekly episode  

Wednesday - Lore Dump (We will dive into the lore of the campaign world known as the 3 Realms)

Thursday - Player Post (One of the players will make a post talking about whatever is on their mind).

Friday - Drunken Drakes Podcast

Saturday - No post on Saturdays  

We have covered Sunday and Monday for this week, so look out for our first DM Deep Dive tomorrow!

- C&D Daniel

Sunday, September 12, 2021

World Information - 3 Realms Campaign

This is a homebrew world written by me, the DM. It has witcher-vibes while not abandoning D&D in all its high fantasy glory. Here is a text copy of the handout the players got during the off-mic session 0. I have also included some pictures for reference of the areas. These are the notes right out of my DM's notebook.



Elf - Wood, Drow, Pale

Dwarfs - Mountain, Hill, Under

Halfling - Stout, Lightfoot, Lotusden

Orc - Snow, Valley, Mountain


3 levels of realms


Mortal Realms


Lots of gods, mostly just strong spirits that embody an idea.

Mother/Lady Winter

Father War

She-who-weaves, the Lady Fate

Mother Life, Queen of Doves

Mother Death, Queen of Ravens


World - Known as the World

Northern Hemisphere


Northern - icy

Eastern - Exotic

Western - coast, European

Southern Hemisphere


Southlands - desert

Verdant - jungles

South Ocean

Great Sea


Broken Isles

Mostly small kingdoms and baronies and duchys

Black Empire - South western, Nilfgaard

Confederacy of the White Sea, mediterranean 

Hiemsgard - Northern, norse

Adestria - South western, French

Lythia - midwest, Small russian duchy

Helevorn - northwest, scot

Talafar - midwest, Noble kingdom

Uthgard - Northern, norse

Beverast - central, european barony

Wendover - mid south, small european kingdom

- C&D Daniel

Episodes 1 & 2

Episode 1 - Greenest Aflame

The group introduces themselves; 

        Daniel - DM

        Laura - Kari the Snow Orc Barbarian

        Cody - Illaru the Wood Elf Ranger

        Camron - Gaba the Valley Orc Fighter

        Tim - Rorke the Dwarven Cleric

The town gets raided by some kobolds.

Link to Episode 1

Episode 2 - Two for One

It seems a band of kobolds led by a half-dragon is raiding the town for no apparent reason. The party fights them back and falls into a trap. The game proves to be rather brutal.

Link to Episode 2

- C&D Daniel


 Welcome to the website/blog for the TTRPG Podcast and YouTube channel, Caves and Drakes. We are a group of friends who love tabletop roleplaying games and just started a new 5e D&D game and are publishing our sessions for you to listen to via podcast as well as having a companion YouTube channel where we will publish videos on a variety of TTRPG topics. Happy to have you along for the adventure!

- C&D Daniel

Podcast Channel

YouTube Channel

Session 4 Recap

 As the session begins, the technomancer Lagren Tung and the party devise a plan to save his friend who had been captured by the Ironjaw rai...